In cases of spousal, partner, or child abuse, a husband/father or wife/mother may ask a court for a protective order by filing a civil suit, which is distinct from filing criminal charges against your spouse or partner. A protective order requires your spouse or partner to stay away from you, your home and place of business and to obey certain rules for a specified period of time, often during the pendency of a divorce or custody matter. The order may limit contact with you or your children, or prohibit contact entirely. The order may include that the alleged abuser stay away from the children’s schools and/or daycare providers. Our attorneys help victims (men and women) of domestic violence obtain protective orders. We also defend against such orders in cases where charges may have been brought without merit.
For more information concerning domestic violence please see the following websites:
Heartly House 301-662-8800
Washington County – CASA, Inc. Hotline 301-739-8975 (24⁄7)